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Interim consolidated report PSr 2022


in thousands

PLN in thousands
H/2022 H/2021 H/2022 H/2021
data related to the consolidated financial statements
I. Total revenues from sales for H1 126 406 102 503 27 227 22 542
II. Net profit or loss allocated to shareholders of the Parent Company for H1 5 314 (946) 1 145 (208)
III. Net comprehensive income allocated to shareholders of the Parent Company for H1 5 337 (939) 1 150 (207)
IV. Net cash flows on operating activities for H1 48 783 52 367 10 508 11 516
V. Net cash flows on investing activities for H1 (4 736) 1 855 (1020) 408
VI. Net cash flows on financial activities for H1 (80 282) (69 055) (17 292) (15 186)
VII. Net cash flows for H1 (36 235) (14 833) (7 805) (3 262)
VIII. Total assets as of 30/06/2022 and 31/12/2021 288 039 353 489 61 539 76 855
IX. Equity allocated to the shareholders of the company as of 30/06/2022 and 31/12/2021 177 617 171 983 37 947 37 392
X. Profit (loss) per one ordinary share for H1 in PLN/EUR 0,06 (0,01) 0,01 0,00
XI. Carrying amount per 1 share as of 30/06/2022 and 31/12/2021 in PLN/EUR 1,87 1,81 0,40 0,39

Data presented in lines: VIII, IX and XI, in columns "2022"and "2021" are as of 30 June 2022 and 31 December 2021.
Selected financial data was converted into EUR according to the following exchange rates published by the National Bank of Poland:
- selected items of the interim condensed statement of financial standing as of 30/06/2022 according to the average exchange rate as of the balance sheet date 1 EUR= PLN 4.6806,
- selected items of the interim condensed statement of financial standing as of 31/12/2021 according to the average exchange rate as of the balance sheet date 1 EUR = PLN 4.5994,
- selected items of the statement of comprehensive income and the interim condensed cash flow statement for the period from 1 January 2022 to 30 June 2022 according to the exchange rate being the arithmetic average of the average exchange rates announced by the National Bank of Poland as of the last day of each month of H1 2022 – 1 EUR = PLN 4.6427
- selected items of the interim condensed statement of comprehensive income and interim condensed cash flow statement for the period from 1 January 2021 to 30 June 2021 at the exchange rate being the arithmetic mean of the average exchange rates announced by the National Bank of Poland and in force on the last day of each month of H1 2021 - 1 EUR = PLN 4.5472,


Prezes Zarządu Wojciech Faszczewski 2022-09-22 
Członek Zarządu Tomasz Rogala 2022-09-22 

The full contents of the report are contained in the annexes

Mon 10, October 2022 by: Przemysław Modzelewski